Victorian Mutants & Masterminds 3e Game Log #1 My gaming group that also does the “Talislanta game”, some of the same folk just started to play a M&M 3e game (I find the 3e character creation stuff to be poorly laid out, but otherwise so far like the changes in the system from 3e) set in a Steampunk Victorian England setting. There are “auto-mechanicals” (robots), lots of airships, fairy magic/tech, dinosaurs, and lots of Imperialism, and tomb robbing. Right up my alley. My character is “Rosie Ramses” (AKA Rosamund Smythe Penfold... nobody calls her that), I’ve detailed her origins a bit earlier on this blog and will continue to drop in fun bits of her past during my the gamelogs. She’s a good fighter - ranged - Bolos, boomerang, but also has a T-Rex tooth dagger for in close brawling. She’s lucky more than she’s agile, or skilled, and she’s very much a fish out of water, in the civilized world of London, where the game is set, starting at least. She’s lived pretty much ...